Tekstforfatter: Lars Inge Lønning , Egil Hegerberg , Aslag Guttormsgaard
Komponist: Lars Inge Lønning

Flat earthers and chemtrails. And Science denial

TV stupidity. Dårskap going viral
Fuck you, Mr. Dåsemikkel, who’s got a kneippbrød instead of a brain
It ́s all sludder
and pølsevev, you ́re the loco motiv pulling the idiot Train
(Welcome to….)
The age of kørka
This is the dawning of the age….
The age of kørka
Can’t you see, it ́s peak stupidity!

right paranoia. End of democracy
It ́s a bleaching of rasshøl
, plastic surgery
Lysglimt Johansen and Carry Jacketson
A neo

nazi gjøkur

party, it’s a KKK

I don’t believe in vaksinering, men I do believe in Åndenes makt
I trust the trolls of the internet. Now fuck off Einstein; I’ve got vitenskaps
(Welcome to….)
The age of kørka
This is the dawning of the age….
The age of kørka
Can’t you see, right now is peak stupidity!
(Do the Maskorama, Baby)
Radikalisering, segregering, frykt og hat
Statsoverhoder hevder hardnakket at jordkloden
er flat
Fitnessguru, snåsamann, Sjaman, anal

massasj, Lilli Bendriss
I believe in Gwyneth Paltrov, baby, and a thing called fittelys!
The age of kørka
This is the dawning of the age….
The age of kørka
Right now is peak stupidity!